
Twisting vines Feature

Hardcoded block check

This feature has a hardcoded check for the block below the feature being netherrack, warped_nylium or warped_wart_block and will not work on other blocks

The twisting_vines can be used to generate twisting vines in the world.


The twisting_vines feature has the following configuration options:

Option Type Description
spread_width A positive int Specifies the spread width of the twisting vines. Max width is spread_width * 2 + 1
spread_height A positive int Specifies the spread height of the twisting vines. Max height is spread_height * 2 + 1
max_height A positive int Specifies the maximum height of the twisting vines. Actual height is max_height * 2

In code, the TwistingVinesConfig class is used to configure the feature.


As an example, here's the configured- and placed feature to generate twisting vines in the nether:

@Init(stage = InitStage.POST_PACK_PRE_WORLD)
object ConfiguredFeatures : FeatureRegistry by ExampleAddon.registry {

    val TWISTING_VINES = registerConfiguredFeature(
            8, // spreadWidth
            4, // spreadHeight
            8 // maxHeight

@Init(stage = InitStage.POST_PACK_PRE_WORLD)
object PlacedFeatures : FeatureRegistry by ExampleAddon.registry {

    val TWISTING_VINES = placedFeature("twisting_vines", ConfiguredFeatures.TWISTING_VINES)
        .count(10) // (1)!
        .inSquareSpread() // (2)!
        .modifier(PlacementUtils.FULL_RANGE) // (3)!
        .biomeFilter() // (4)!

  1. 10 twisting vines per chunk.
  2. Spread the vines horizontally.
  3. Set the y-coordinate to a random value. The static constant is equivalent to
    HeightRangePlacement.uniform(VerticalAnchor.bottom(), VerticalAnchor.top());
  4. Only place the vines if the location hasn't moved outside the warped forest biome.
   "type": "minecraft:twisting_vines",
   "config": {
      "spread_width": 8,
      "spread_height": 4,
      "max_height": 8
   "feature": "minecraft:twisting_vines",
   "placement": [
         "type": "minecraft:count", // (1)!
         "count": 10
         "type": "minecraft:in_square" // (2)!
         "type": "minecraft:height_range", // (3)!
         "height": {
            "type": "minecraft:uniform",
            "max_inclusive": {
               "below_top": 0
            "min_inclusive": {
               "above_bottom": 0
         "type": "minecraft:biome" // (4)!
  1. 10 twisting vines per chunk.
  2. Spread the vines horizontally.
  3. Set the y-coordinate to a random value. The static constant is equivalent to
    HeightRangePlacement.uniform(VerticalAnchor.bottom(), VerticalAnchor.top());
  4. Only place the vines if the location hasn't moved outside the warped forest biome.


