
Large dripstone feature


Advanced Knowledge Required - This documentation page is intended for users with in-depth knowledge of the world generation system. Beginner users may find the content challenging to understand.

The large_dripstone feature generates large dripstone formations in the world.


The large_dripstone feature has the following configuration options. Some of these options are pretty hard to understand. Make sure to check out this graph to play around with the values.

Option Type Description
floor_to_ceiling_search_range (optional in Json, defaults to 30) An int. (Range limit in Json is \([1;512]\)) Determines the maximum distance from the base of the dripstone cluster to the ceiling.
column_radius An IntProvider. (Range limit in Json is \([1;60]\)) Sampled twice to get the min and max radius of the dripstone column.
height_scale A FloatProvider. (Range limit in Json is \([0.0;20.0]\)) The height scale of the dripstone column.
max_column_radius_to_cave_height_ratio A float. (Range limit in Json is \([0.0;1.0]\)) The ratio of the max radius to the cave height.
stalactite_bluntness A FloatProvider. (Range limit in Json is \([0.0;10.0]\)) Determines the height of the stalactite tip.
stalagmite_bluntness A FloatProvider. (Range limit in Json is \([0.0;10.0]\)) Determines the height of the stalagmite tip.
wind_speed A FloatProvider. (Range limit in Json is \([0.0;2.0]\)) Higher values lead to a bigger inclination of the dripstone.
min_radius_for_wind An int. (Range limit in Json is \([1;100]\)) The minimum column radius for the wind to have an effect.
min_bluntness_for_wind A float. (Range limit in Json is \([0.0;5.0]\)) The minimum bluntness for the wind to have an effect.

In code, the LargeDripstoneConfiguration class is used to configure the feature.


As an example, here's the configured and placed feature for the vanilla large dripstone formations.

@Init(stage = InitStage.POST_PACK_PRE_WORLD)
object ConfiguredFeatures : FeatureRegistry by ExampleAddon.registry {

    val LARGE_DRIPSTONE = registerConfiguredFeature(
            30, // floorToCeilingSearchRange
            UniformInt.of(3, 19), // columnRadius
            UniformFloat.of(0.4f, 2.0f), // heightScale
            0.33f, // maxColumnRadiusToCaveHeightRatio
            UniformFloat.of(0.3f, 0.9f), // stalactiteBluntness
            UniformFloat.of(0.4f, 1.0f), // stalagmiteBluntness
            UniformFloat.of(0.0f, 0.3f), // windSpeed
            4, // minRadiusForWind
            0.6f // minBluntnessForWind

@Init(stage = InitStage.POST_PACK_PRE_WORLD)
object PlacedFeatures : FeatureRegistry by ExampleAddon.registry {

    val LARGE_DRIPSTONE = placedFeature("large_dripstone", ConfiguredFeatures.LARGE_DRIPSTONE)
        .count(UniformInt.of(10, 48))
        .inYWorldBounds() // (1)!

  1. Call is equivalent to:
    HeightRangePlacement.uniform(VerticalAnchor.bottom(), VerticalAnchor.absolute(256))
  "type": "minecraft:large_dripstone",
  "config": {
    "column_radius": {
      "type": "minecraft:uniform",
      "value": {
        "max_inclusive": 19,
        "min_inclusive": 3
    "floor_to_ceiling_search_range": 30,
    "height_scale": {
      "type": "minecraft:uniform",
      "value": {
        "max_exclusive": 2.0,
        "min_inclusive": 0.4
    "max_column_radius_to_cave_height_ratio": 0.33,
    "min_bluntness_for_wind": 0.6,
    "min_radius_for_wind": 4,
    "stalactite_bluntness": {
      "type": "minecraft:uniform",
      "value": {
        "max_exclusive": 0.9,
        "min_inclusive": 0.3
    "stalagmite_bluntness": {
      "type": "minecraft:uniform",
      "value": {
        "max_exclusive": 1.0,
        "min_inclusive": 0.4
    "wind_speed": {
      "type": "minecraft:uniform",
      "value": {
        "max_exclusive": 0.3,
        "min_inclusive": 0.0
  "feature": "minecraft:large_dripstone",
  "placement": [
      "type": "minecraft:count",
      "count": {
        "type": "minecraft:uniform",
        "value": {
          "max_inclusive": 48,
          "min_inclusive": 10
      "type": "minecraft:in_square"
      "type": "minecraft:height_range",
      "height": {
        "type": "minecraft:uniform",
        "max_inclusive": {
          "absolute": 256
        "min_inclusive": {
          "above_bottom": 0
      "type": "minecraft:biome"


