

What are Abilities?

In Nova, abilities are ticking objects that can be assigned to players. They work similar to attachments, except that they have no logic by default.

Creating your own Ability

To create your own ability, inherit from Ability and add your custom handleRemoved and handleTick logic.

class ExampleAbility(player: Player) : Ability(player) {

    override fun handleRemove() {
        // TODO

    override fun handleTick() {
        // TODO


Then, register a new ability type for that ability:

@Init(stage = InitStage.PRE_PACK)
object Abilities : AbilityTypeRegistry by ExampleAddon.registry {

    val EXAMPLE_ABILITY = registerAbilityType("example_ability", ::MyAbility)


Then, give the ability to a player:

AbilityManager.giveAbility(player, Abilities.EXAMPLE_ABILITY)

And this is how you remove an ability:

AbilityManager.takeAbility(player, Abilities.EXAMPLE_ABILITY)