Adding recipes to your addon
Recipes files are placed under recipes/<namespace>/type
, where the namespace
is the namespace of the addon that registered this recipe type (minecraft
for Minecraft recipe types) and type
the name of the recipe type.
For more information about the recipe format and default recipe types, read the admin page on it.
Creating a custom Recipe Type
Recipe types are registered over the RecipeTypeRegistry
All of the following values are required to create a new RecipeType
Name | Type | Usage |
dirName | String | The name for the directory of your recipe type. |
recipeClass | KClass<T> | The class of your recipe type, must be a subclass of NovaRecipe . |
group | RecipeGroup<T>? | The recipe group that displays the recipe in the recipe explorer gui. |
deserializer | RecipeDeserializer<T>? | The deserializer that deserializes the recipe files to an instance of the previously specified recipeClass . |
Setting RecipeGroup
to null can lead to exceptions being thrown when players try to view recipes from that type.
This parameter might be made non-null in the future.
Creating a custom Recipe Type
Every recipe that is created also creates a new instance of the recipeClass
. That object then contains all the information about the recipe (e.g. Input, Output, Time, etc.).
The following example is the PulverizerRecipe
from the Machines addon:
class PulverizerRecipe(
key: NamespacedKey,
input: RecipeChoice,
result: ItemStack,
time: Int,
) : ConversionNovaRecipe(key, input, result, time) {
override val type = RecipeTypes.PULVERIZER
. Depending on your recipe type, you might need to directly inherit from NovaRecipe
though. The recipe deserializer deserializes the recipe file to an instance of the recipeClass
For the PulverizerRecipe
from Machines, the recipe deserializer is actually quite easy, as you can just extend the already existing ConversionRecipeDeserializer
object PulverizerRecipeDeserializer : ConversionRecipeDeserializer<PulverizerRecipe>() {
override fun createRecipe(json: JsonObject, key: NamespacedKey, input: RecipeChoice, result: ItemStack, time: Int) =
PulverizerRecipe(key, input, result, time)
However, depending on you recipe type you might need to do some more work. The following deserializer is used for the fluid infuser recipe:
object FluidInfuserRecipeDeserializer : RecipeDeserializer<FluidInfuserRecipe> {
override fun deserialize(json: JsonObject, file: File): FluidInfuserRecipe {
val mode = json.getDeserialized<FluidInfuserRecipe.InfuserMode>("mode")!!
val fluidType = json.getDeserialized<FluidType>("fluid_type")!!
val fluidAmount = json.getLong("fluid_amount")!!
val input = parseRecipeChoice(json.get("input"))
val time = json.getInt("time")!!
val result = ItemUtils.getItemBuilder(json.getString("result")!!).get()
return FluidInfuserRecipe(getRecipeKey(file), mode, fluidType, fluidAmount, input, result, time)
Make sure to always use the parseRecipeChoice(JsonElement)
, ItemUtils.getItemBuilder(String)
utility methods instead of using your own logic.
The recipe group is only used for recipe explorer GUI, so your recipes will already work without it.
However, it is still required to create a recipe group.
As always, it is very easy to create a recipe group for conversion recipes:
object PulverizingRecipeGroup : ConversionRecipeGroup<PulverizerRecipe>() {
override val priority = 4 // (1)!
override val icon = Blocks.PULVERIZER.basicClientsideProvider // (2)!
override val texture = GUITextures.RECIPE_PULVERIZER // (3)!
- The priority defines where in the recipe explorer your recipe type is going to be. (Lower value -> left | Higher value -> right)
- The icon displayed for your recipe type.
- The GUI Texture used when displaying your recipe type.
However, if your recipe is not a ConversionNovaRecipe
, your recipe group might be a bit more work:
(The resulting GUI needs to be in the dimensions 9x3
object FluidInfuserRecipeGroup : RecipeGroup<FluidInfuserRecipe>() {
override val texture = GUITextures.RECIPE_FLUID_INFUSER
override val icon = Blocks.FLUID_INFUSER.basicClientsideProvider
override val priority = 6
override fun createGUI(recipe: FluidInfuserRecipe): GUI {
val progressItem: ItemBuilder
val translate: String
if (recipe.mode == FluidInfuserRecipe.InfuserMode.INSERT) {
progressItem = GUIMaterials.TP_FLUID_PROGRESS_LEFT_RIGHT.createClientsideItemBuilder()
translate = "menu.machines.recipe.insert_fluid"
} else {
progressItem = GUIMaterials.TP_FLUID_PROGRESS_RIGHT_LEFT.createClientsideItemBuilder()
translate = "menu.machines.recipe.extract_fluid"
return GUIBuilder(GUIType.NORMAL)
". f . t . . . . .",
". f p i . . . r .",
". f . . . . . . .")
.addIngredient('i', createRecipeChoiceItem(recipe.input)) // (1)!
.addIngredient('r', createRecipeChoiceItem(listOf(recipe.result)))
.addIngredient('p', progressItem)
.addIngredient('f', StaticFluidBar(recipe.fluidType, recipe.fluidAmount, FLUID_CAPACITY, 3))
.addIngredient('t', CoreGUIMaterial.TP_STOPWATCH
.setDisplayName(TranslatableComponent("menu.nova.recipe.time", recipe.time / 20.0))
- This function creates an InvUI item for a
. When clicked, it shows you recipes / usages for that item. It also automatically cycles through all possible input options if there is more than one.