

InvUI makes it easy for you to translate your GUIs into different languages.

Adding translations

To add translations for a new language, you can call Languages.getInstance().addLanguage(String lang, Map<String, String> translations). The lang parameter is the language code of the language you want to add. The translations parameter should be a map containing the translation keys and their translations.

If your translations are stored in a json structure like this:

  "translation.key": "Hello World",
  "other.translation.key": "Hello World 2"

You can also load them using Languages#loadLanguage:

Languages.getInstance().loadLanguage("en_us", File("en_us.json"), Charsets.UTF_8)
Languages.getInstance().loadLanguage("en_us", new File("en_us.json"), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

Specifying Player language

By default, the player's locale is retrieved using Player.getLocale();. If you want to change this behavior, you can do so by calling Languages#setLanguageProvider:


Using translations

To use translations in your GUIs, simply use translatable components using either md_5's bungee component api or kyori's adventure text api. If you're not using Kotlin and the invui-kotlin module, you'll need to wrap adventure components using the AdventureComponentWrapper class before you can pass them to the ItemBuilder or Window.Builder.

When are translations applied?

Translations are applied server-side. This is done during ItemBuilder.get(); or, for the inventory title, Window.open();.
If you need to use server-side translations in other places, you'll need to manually call ComponentWrapper.localized(String locale);.

Disabling server-side translations

If you do not want your items and GUIs to be translated server-side and instead want to actually send translatable components to your players, you can disable server-side translations by calling Languages.getInstance().enableServerSideTranslations(false);.