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What is a Window in InvUI?

In InvUI, windows represent the actual Minecraft inventories that are displayed to the player. Depending on the type of window, they display one or two GUI(s).

A window can only have one viewer. This is because InvUI's GUIs are designed to be easy to translate. Up until this point, we've only dealt with ItemProviders, which unlike ItemStacks have a method to retrieve the represented ItemStack with a UUID for translation purposes.
Now, the window is the first part in the chain that uses ItemStacks - and as these are already translated to a specific language, allowing multiple people to view the same window might cause one of them to see the wrong language.

List of Window types

Name Builder Factory Function Description
Normal Single Window Window.single() The default chest / dropper / hopper inventory, chosen depending on the dimensions of the GUI. The player's inventory stays untouched.
Normal Merged Window Window.merged() The default chest inventory and the player's inventory are filled by the same GUI.
Normal Split Window Window.split() The default chest / dropper / hopper inventory, chosen depending on the dimensions of the first GUI. The player's inventory is filled by the second GUI.
Anvil Single Window AnvilWindow.single() An anvil inventory. The player's inventory stays untouched.
Anvil Split Window AnvilWindow.split() The anvil inventory is filled by the first GUI. The player's inventory is filled by the second GUI.
Cartography Single Window CartographyWindow.single() The inventory of the cartography table. The player's inventory stays untouched.
Cartography Split Window CartographyWindow.split() The inventory of the cartography table is filled by the first GUI. The player's inventory is filled by the second GUI.

Generally, there are three different categories of windows: single, split and merged.
Single windows do not use the player's own inventory.
Split windows use one GUI for the upper inventory and another GUI for the player's inventory (9x4). Merged windows use the same GUI for the upper and lower inventory.

When using merged or split windows:

  • The contents of the player's inventory are saved and restored after the inventory has been closed
  • The player is not able to pick up any items
  • The player will not be able to trigger advancements


The rename-text can be retrieved by calling AnvilInventory#getRenameText(). It is also possible to set one or multiple Consumer<String> renameHandler in the WindowBuilder, which will then be called every time the rename-text is changed.


To update the map preview, you can use the methods updateMap(MapPatch), updateMap(List<MapIcon>) and resetMap().

Please note that the first slot of the cartography inventory is not accessible to you, as it is required to contain a map item for the map preview to work. Therefore, your GUI's size has to be 2x1 instead of 3x1.

Creating a new Window

To create a new Window, you'll need to use the Window.Builder for your desired window type which can be obtained by calling the static builder factory function in the related Window interface. (See table above)

val normalWindow = Window.single()

val anvilWindow = AnvilWindow.split()
    .addRenameHandler { println(it) }
Window window = Window.single()

AnvilWindow window = AnvilWindow.split()
    .addRenameHandler(s -> System.out.println(s))

Opening a Window

To show a Window to a player, you'll need to call;.;

As a shortcut, you can also directly call .open(player) on the Window.Builder.
This will create a new Window and then directly show it to the specified player.


Alternatively, you can also call .build(player) on the Window.Builder to build a new Window for a specified player.

val window = Window.single()
Window window = Window.single()