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A Tab GUI lets you switch between different GUIs (tabs) by clicking the Tab Items associated with them.

Control Items

First, we'll need to create our Tab Items:

class MyTabItem(private val tab: Int) : TabItem(tab) {

    override fun getItemProvider(gui: TabGui): ItemProvider {
        return if (gui.currentTab == tab) {
                .setDisplayName("Tab $tab (selected)")
        } else {
                .setDisplayName("Tab $tab (not selected)")

public class MyTabItem extends TabItem {

    private final int tab;

    public MyTabItem(int tab) {
        super(tab); = tab;

    public ItemProvider getItemProvider(TabGui gui) {
        if (gui.getCurrentTab() == tab) {
            return new ItemBuilder(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST)
                .setDisplayName("Tab " + tab + " (selected)");
        } else {
            return new ItemBuilder(Material.GUNPOWDER)
                .setDisplayName("Tab " + tab + " (not selected)");


Creating the GUI

Now, lets create the actual TabGui. In this example, I've only created two tabs, but you can have as many tabs as you want.

val border = SimpleItem(ItemBuilder(Material.BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE).setDisplayName("§r"))

val gui1 = Guis.empty(9, 3)
gui1.fill(SimpleItem(ItemBuilder(Material.DIRT)), true)

val gui2 = Guis.empty(9, 3)
gui2.fill(SimpleItem(ItemBuilder(Material.DIAMOND)), true)

val gui = TabGui.normal()
        "# # # 0 # 1 # # #",
        "x x x x x x x x x",
        "x x x x x x x x x",
        "x x x x x x x x x")
    .addIngredient('x', Markers.CONTENT_LIST_SLOT_VERTICAL)
    .addIngredient('#', border)
    .addIngredient('0', MyTabItem(0))
    .addIngredient('1', MyTabItem(1))
    .setTabs(listOf(gui1, gui2))
Item border = new SimpleItem(new ItemBuilder(Material.BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE).setDisplayName("§r"));

Gui gui1 = Guis.empty(9, 3);
gui1.fill(new SimpleItem(new ItemBuilder(Material.DIRT)), true);

Gui gui2 = Guis.empty(9, 3);
gui2.fill(new SimpleItem(new ItemBuilder(Material.DIAMOND)), true);

Gui gui = TabGui.normal()
        "# # # 0 # 1 # # #",
        "x x x x x x x x x",
        "x x x x x x x x x",
        "x x x x x x x x x")
    .addIngredient('x', Markers.CONTENT_LIST_SLOT_VERTICAL)
    .addIngredient('#', border)
    .addIngredient('0', new MyTabItem(0))
    .addIngredient('1', new MyTabItem(1))
    .setTabs(Arrays.asList(gui1, gui2))

And this is how it looks like:


It is also possible to, for example, put the Tab Items in a separate paged or scroll gui if you need more space.
For that to work, you'd need to set the TabGUI that the Tab items are supposed to control manually using ControlItem#setGui.