Paged GUI
A paged GUI is a gui that can display pages of either Items
or Guis
Control Items
First, we'll need to create the page switching buttons.
This is an example for a "Page Back" Item:
class BackItem : PageItem(false) {
override fun getItemProvider(gui: PagedGui<*>): ItemProvider {
val builder = ItemBuilder(Material.RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE)
builder.setDisplayName("§7Previous page")
if (gui.hasPreviousPage())
"§7Go to page §e" + gui.currentPage + "§7/§e" + gui.pageAmount
else "§cYou can't go further back"
return builder
public class BackItem extends PageItem {
public BackItem() {
public ItemProvider getItemProvider(PagedGui<?> gui) {
ItemBuilder builder = new ItemBuilder(Material.RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE);
builder.setDisplayName("§7Previous page")
? "§7Go to page §e" + gui.getCurrentPage() + "§7/§e" + gui.getPageAmount()
: "§cYou can't go further back");
return builder;
This is an example for a "Page Forward" Item:
class ForwardItem : PageItem(true) {
override fun getItemProvider(gui: PagedGui<*>): ItemProvider {
val builder = ItemBuilder(Material.GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE)
builder.setDisplayName("§7Next page")
if (gui.hasNextPage())
"§7Go to page §e" + (gui.currentPage + 2) + "§7/§e" + gui.pageAmount
else "§cThere are no more pages"
return builder
public class ForwardItem extends PageItem {
public ForwardItem() {
public ItemProvider getItemProvider(PagedGui<?> gui) {
ItemBuilder builder = new ItemBuilder(Material.GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE);
builder.setDisplayName("§7Next page")
? "§7Go to page §e" + (gui.getCurrentPage() + 2) + "§7/§e" + gui.getPageAmount()
: "§cThere are no more pages");
return builder;
More information about ControlItems in the Items section.
You also might want to register these Items as global ingredients.
Creating the GUI
Paged Items
Now that we've created the ControlItems, let's make the actual GUI:
val border = SimpleItem(ItemBuilder(Material.BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE).setDisplayName("§r"))
// an example list of items to display
val items = Material.values()
.filter { !it.isAir && it.isItem }
.map { SimpleItem(ItemBuilder(it)) }
// create the gui
val gui = PagedGui.items()
"# # # # # # # # #",
"# x x x x x x x #",
"# x x x x x x x #",
"# # # < # > # # #")
.addIngredient('x', Markers.CONTENT_LIST_SLOT_HORIZONTAL) // where paged items should be put
.addIngredient('#', border)
.addIngredient('<', BackItem())
.addIngredient('>', ForwardItem())
Item border = new SimpleItem(new ItemBuilder(Material.BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE).setDisplayName("§r"));
// an example list of items to display
List<Item> items =
.filter(material -> !material.isAir() && material.isItem())
.map(material -> new SimpleItem(new ItemBuilder(material)))
// create the gui
Gui gui = PagedGui.items()
"# # # # # # # # #",
"# x x x x x x x #",
"# x x x x x x x #",
"# # # < # > # # #")
.addIngredient('x', Markers.CONTENT_LIST_SLOT_HORIZONTAL) // where paged items should be put
.addIngredient('#', border)
.addIngredient('<', new BackItem())
.addIngredient('>', new ForwardItem())
In-game, it will look like this:
Paged GUIs
Instead of using Items, you can also use whole GUIs as pages. In the following example I used two slightly different versions of the GUI created above and added them as pages. Now I can switch between two paged GUIs.
val gui = PagedGui.items()
"x x x x x x x x x",
"x x x x x x x x x",
"x x x x x x x x x",
"x x x x x x x x x",
". . < . . . > . .")
.addIngredient('x', Markers.CONTENT_LIST_SLOT_HORIZONTAL) // where paged items should be put (in this case: the parts of the nested GUI)
.addIngredient('<', BackItem())
.addIngredient('>', ForwardItem())
.setContent(listOf(page1GUI, page2GUI))
Gui gui = PagedGui.items()
"x x x x x x x x x",
"x x x x x x x x x",
"x x x x x x x x x",
"x x x x x x x x x",
". . < . . . > . .")
.addIngredient('x', Markers.CONTENT_LIST_SLOT_HORIZONTAL) // where paged items should be put (in this case: the parts of the nested GUI)
.addIngredient('<', new BackItem())
.addIngredient('>', new ForwardItem())
.setContent(Arrays.asList(page1GUI, page2GUI))
In-game it looks like this: